The abacusBCA package facilitates data access and basic processing of BC Assessment data hosted on UBC ABACUS for research purposes.


You can install the latest version of abacusBCA from GitHub with:


Access token and cache path

Accessing BCA data needs special privileges, the package needs your ABACUS access token in order to download the data. You can pass the access token in your data calls, but the preferred way is to set it in the ABACUS_API_TOKEN environment variable in your ~/.Renviron.

The package also requires the user to set a local path where to store the BCA data. This can be passed in the data calls, but the preferred way is to set it in your ABACUS_CACHE_PATH environment variable in your ~/.Renviron.

ABACUS_API_TOKEN='<your abacus api token>'
ABACUS_CACHE_PATH="<path on your computer where to store BCA database>"


For example, to access the sales data from the 2022 data dump:


sales_data_2021 <- list_bca_datasets() %>%
  filter(Year==2022) %>%