tongfen_estimate(target, source, meta, na.rm = FALSE)
custom geography to estimate values for
input geography with values
metadata for variable aggregation
remove NA values when aggregating, default is FALSE
`target` with estimated quantities from `source` as specified by `meta`
# Estimate 2006 Populatino in the City of Vancouver dissemination ares on 2016 census geoographies
if (FALSE) {
geo1 <- cancensus::get_census("CA06",regions=list(CSD="5915022"),geo_format='sf',level='DA')
geo2 <- cancensus::get_census("CA16",regions=list(CSD="5915022"),geo_format='sf',level='DA')
meta <- meta_for_additive_variables("CA06","Population")
result <- tongfen_estimate(geo2 %>% rename(Population_2016=Population),geo1,meta)